Employee Performance

Employee Wellbeing in the ‘New Normal'
2020 has been a year without parallel. Extremely testing market conditions, redundancies, furlough schemes...

AI in Manufacturing and How it Improves Workforce Technology
Key issues such as Brexit, skills shortages and consistently sluggish productivity are squeezing profitability...

The Absenteeism Report 2018
Absence is an issue faced by all businesses. The simple fact is that companies employ human beings and,...

The Future of Restaurant Management: A View from 2025
Learn how restaurants can operate with agility by bridging the front and back office into a cohesive,...

IDC: Alight on Embracing Digital Acceleration for Business Agility
Get better business insight with a single platform. Among CXOs, 87 percent are making digital acceleration...

Engagement and Retention Report - UK
The UK has a well-recognised productivity problem. Many of the causes of low labour productivity are...

Making the Shift to Continuous Performance Management
Learn fresh ideas, new considerations and real-world results for making the shift to continuous performance...

Engagement & Retention Report - UK
The UK has a well-recognised productivity problem. Many of the causes of low labour productivity are...

The Future of the HR Function 2021
Prepare HR to meet the challenges of a newly transformed world of work Since early 2020, Human Resources...

2022 Employee Experience Guide
The pandemic has reframed us as humans first, employees second. Employees now want to work for an organization...

Boosting Employee and Customer Morale with Meal Delivery
Food is often used to create social bonds, share bounty, and generate goodwill. Relationships between...

Employee Wellbeing in the 'New Normal'
2020 has been a year without parallel. Extremely testing market conditions, redundancies, furlough schemes...

Reimagining your Workforce Strategy
For all the unhappiness, chaos and uncertainty created by the pandemic crisis, it has also pointed us...
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